Pastor Paul spent two years learning about human trafficking by attending local conferences and asking questions. Pastor Paul asked Marianne for more details after hearing her say “people don’t understand the needs of a person who is exploited and moving from place to place. Most people have good intentions, but we also want to know that our donation helps someone in a real way.” That talk led to his church deciding they want to help in a real way. Every six months, the congregants of Christian Life Church load up the vehicles of MNMV with two types of backpacks to serve the needs that are seen in communities.

These backpacks do two things. First, they fill a need. People who keep moving often have to leave items behind. People who don’t have access to money often can’t get the basic essentials. These backpacks fill the need while showing that the person is worthy of good things- not just whatever garbage people want to throw at them. The second thing is it gives outreach workers a chance to have a conversation with someone who is possibly being exploited. It’s a reason to stop and talk for a minute and look a person in the eyes. It gives a person who is often unseen in society a chance to know they are seen.


FBC Merritt Island